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How to Make Money With a Hemp CBD E-Commerce Website

By Hunter Saab

Hemp CBD stores are popping up everywhere! Whether it’s a small shop down the street from you or a new brand social media, CBD is getting bigger and bigger in the public eye.

Right now, there are a lot of opportunities in this budding industry, especially online. Keep reading to learn how you can make money with a hemp CBD e-commerce website.

Create a Brand

Build a hemp CBD brand with a high quality logo design that will attract your target audience. Your logo is the forefront of your business! Stand out from the CBD crowd with an eye-catching design. A logo can make or break your business! While you can DIY your hemp CBD logo, unless you’re a graphic designer, we don’t recommend this. You only have one chance to make a first impression. Have a professional hemp CBD logo designer bring your vision to life.

Make or Distribute High Quality Hemp CBD Products

Do you want to make or distribute high quality hemp CBD products. There are 2 ways to do this. One, start growing or processing hemp CBD. Or two, find a white labeling company that will put your logo and info on packaging. Some white label companies offer drop shipping (AKA they’ll ship it for you) for a fee. Other companies will just send it to your door and you have to send it to your customers. No matter which route you decide, you must have top of the line products. Be sure you know the source of your products and have lab results. Quality is key! Your customers will thank you for it.

Find A CBD Payment Processor

What is a hemp CBD payment processor? It is the company or bank that will help you process online credit card transactions on your website. As of 2019, hemp CBD is still considered high risk by major banks and credit card companies. Until the laws change, you will have to find a third party payment processor to handle your payments. Keep in mind these companies do charge a fee per each online order/ transaction. Finding the right one that meets your business needs can be challenging. However! It is worth it in the long run. Once your CBD company is online and can ship products across the country, you become a nationwide brand.

Have an Expert Build Your E-Commerce Website

You can try the DIY approach. Or, you can hire a hemp CBD web design expert to walk you through the process and create a beautiful and high traffic website for you. Many business owners try to hire local web designers or marketing companies. Unfortunately, the local guy or agency often does not know anything about the hemp CBD or cannabis industry. You are better off to have a seasoned pro handle it from the beginning that not only has design skills but knows the science of CBD, culture, and industry. Working with an experienced hemp CBD web designer is extremely important! After all, your website is where people will make their purchases at. If you’re searching for a high quality CBD website, reach out to 420 Web Designs to learn more.

Educate Your Customers With Educational Blogs

Once the website is built, you need to start blogging. What’s the benefit of blogs? Educational content not only educates your customers but also helps you rank better on Google. Having trouble writing yourself? Hire a professional hemp CBD writer to help you create quality content. Optimized blogs will increase your website traffic. Plus! Blogs are great resources to share through your email newsletter and social media channels. You want to be the source for hemp CBD knowledge. What better way to show you know your stuff than to educate the masses?

Create Captivating Content for Social Media

Even if you have an amazing products, a professional logo, a mobile friendly e-commerce website, and in depth blogs…You still need to be hitting the ground running with social media. Which social media platforms should you be on? Well, who and where is your audience? Create quality content on social media that will convert into sales. How can you do this? Be consistent with your branding as well as your message. From graphics, to blogs, to videos the sky is the limit when it comes to generating content. Don’t let paid social media advertising restrictions stop you from reaching the masses. You just need to be consistent and creative! Need help with your hemp CBD social media? Hire a hemp CBD social media marketing expert to help you overcome the daily tasks of creating content so you can focus on all the other aspects of your business.

Never Stop Promoting Online or Offline

No matter how you slice it, it is a full time job running your hemp CBD e-commerce store online and offline. All aspects of your business, as mentioned above, must always be running smoothly. This is not a hands-off industry and it not for the faint hearted. You must be a go getter in order to grow your business. Attend events and festivals. Distribute your products to local retailers. Give presentations about the benefits of CBD. In other words, always be thinking of new and innovative ways to market your business.

Are you ready to start making money with your hemp CBD e-commerce website?

Contact us to learn more on how we can help your hemp CBD business grow!